Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thanks, Jenny

Michigan is in dire economic straits. But never fear - Jennifer Granholm has a plan! On Friday, another part of that plan was revealed when Jenny signed into law a new regulation barring Michigan wineries from sending wines directly to customers. Michigan has a thriving boutique winery business, and my wife and I are great fans of the varietals available in the Traverse Bay area. Now, thanks to Jenny, we are either limited to the few selections at local stores or are forced to drive to Traverse City when we need to replenish our wine cabinet. The logic behind this regulation is to make it more fair for out-of-state wineries to compete (interstate commerce laws restict shipping alcohol across state lines). As the governor of the state with the worst economy in the nation, it would seem that Jenny would take measures to expand opportunities for Michigan businesses, not hamper them in order to make life easier on out-of-state competitors. Way to go, Jenny.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I want my money back

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like society has been lying to me my whole life. Weren't we told that we could be whatever we wanted to be when we grew up? Weren't we told that if we worked hard and put our minds to it, we could accomplish anything? I can remember being optimistic and having dreams. But somewhere along the way, those dreams got crushed and my optimism has turned to jaded cynicism. I should have nevered dreamed in the first place. As it turns out, I have very little control over what I get to do with my life. I didn't choose my career - I don't even have a career. I took the best job that was available, and I've been stuck there ever since. I busted my butt in my MA program, hoping to go on to do PhD work and perhaps get a nice tenure track professorship, but as it turns out raw talent, hard work, and good grades don't amount for much in the academic world. Perhaps it's just me, but too many people of my generation seem to be feeling the same way. We worked hard and played by the rules. And what did it get us? We live in constant fear of losing jobs that we don't even really like. Why did I dump all that time, energy, and money into my degree if it doesn't mean squat, even to the people who gave me the degree? I wish educations came with a money back guarantee.