Friday, July 11, 2008

A word to Michigan voters

Now that the presidental race is well underway, I'd like to remind my fellow Michiganders of an important point that seems to have slipped through the cracks. This last primary, Michigan decided to move up our vote so our voice would matter a little more in the nomination process. Both parties punished us for this presumptive move because of long-standing agreements to give preference to New Hampshire and Iowa (what, exactly, these two states did to warrant special treatment, I'll never know). The Republicans cut our delegate count in half, and the Democrats refused to recognize any of our delegates. Even thought the Dems negated our vote, Hillary and some others still campaigned in Michigan. They thought our voice mattered even if we couldn't help them get nominated. Barack Obama, on the other hand, sided with the party and took his name off the ballot. Barak decided that our voice didn't matter. Now that he has secured the nomination he wants our support. I don't see that he deserves it. He has already demonstrated that we only matter insofar as we can help him acheive his goals. I don't think that bodes well for our future if he is elected president. If we didn't matter to him in January, why do we think we will matter to him in the future? In my opinion, Barack forfeited any support from Michigan when he refused to support us in our bid for electoral equality.

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