Friday, July 10, 2009

"Racism" in Pennsylvania

Life is good in America. Too good, perhaps, when a nation is scandalized because a private club in Pennsylvania has decided to void a contract with a summer camp. The Valley Club in PA had an agreement to allow 60+ kids from a nearby summer camp use their pool on Mondays throughout the summer. However, the Club rescinded the agreement after the first visit due to complaints from club members. Apparantly, a couple of the camp children - who are predominantly black or hispanic - heard such racial slurs as "black kids." Oh, wait, that's the only "racial slur" being reported. (Side note - the article I read on this referred to "black" as a slur, yet used it several times to refer to various leaders in the black community who were expressing outrage.) Still, most of the club members looked disapprovingly at the camp children and wouldn't let their kids play with the camp kids. This is racism? Certainly there is bigotry at work, but it is about social class, not race. The club members - remember this is a private club in a posh suburb - are upset that their club is being overrun by poor kids from a summer camp. If they wanted that kind of socio-economic intermingling, they would just go to a public pool and save the membership dues. But they paid their money to keep their kids separate from poor kids who can't even afford designer swimsuits. This isn't racism. It's just another example of the haves wanting to get some distance from the have-nots. As a lifelong have-not, I know of what I speak. I've been asked to leave plenty of places that were too "rich" for me, and even the places that didn't toss me out certainly knew how to make me feel unwelcome. But this isn't racism. It wouldn't have mattered one whit to the folks at Valley Club if those camp kids had been white. They were still poor, and that's why they didn't belong.

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