Friday, October 2, 2009

Reflections on the last four years

Yesterday was my four year wedding anniversary, which is a significant milestone for me, since someone was actually willing to tolerate me for that long. Nice. But I started taking stock of the last four years, and I was surprised at some of the things I found. First, and most depressing, I've been working at my current job longer than I've been married. This is depressing since this job was just a temporary stop on the way to what I really wanted to do, yet I have been stuck in this cubicle longer than I've been married. In that same vein, I was just (re)starting my seminary education four years ago. I finished that, but have gotten absolutely nowhere with it. Blah. On the other hand, I have taken two vacations - real vacations - with my wife: Virginia Beach and a Caribbean cruise. Those were firsts. I've only moved twice - once due to a seedy element in the neighborhood that forced us out of our very nice townhouse, and once because we (foolishly) bought a house. A house with lots of snakes! I've published one book, which has sold approximately zero copies, given one scholarly presentation at a national convention, written a couple of journal articles that were not published, and adopted the cutest, tiniest cat ever. I've also tried (and failed, to various degrees) to learn German, Italian, Latin, and Hebrew. Oh, and I started a blog.

Four years doesn't seem like a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it is amazing to note how much has changed in my personal life (and the things that haven't changed) and in the world around me. We elected a black president and gave serious consideration to a female candidate, the government got into the automotive industry, Matt got a girlfriend, U2 has become about as relevant as The Rolling Stones, Jon and Melodee made it to ITALIA with residency papers, the Lions set an NFL record (you know which one) and I actually started to care about baseball (that makes me a real American). What a roller coaster!

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